Monday, June 3, 2013

U.S. exports to Iran to allow mobile computers and other electronic products

It continues to launch energy and financial sanctions 30, even "information warfare" against Iran in the United States, allowing exports to Iran mobile phones, computers and other electronic products. The U.S. state department and the ministry of finance announced on the day in order to promote the free flow of information of the people of Iran, the U.S. Treasury is generally permits (General License), allowing exports to Iran of personal communications services, software, hardware, etc.

U.S. department of state and Treasury stressed that in the Iranian government intensify efforts to blocking information, lifted the ban which can be made available to the Iranian people with more secure, more advanced personal communications equipment, but it is forbidden to use the general license to the Iranian government and U.S. sanctions against individuals and entities of the export electronic products. Same day, the U.S. Treasury and sanctions, Iran's judiciary of a review committee and vice director of office of Iran's supreme leader as sanctions.

This means that after more than 20 years, the United States began to exports to Iran consumer electronics. In 1992, the United States banned related products exports to Iran, and the iranians have only hot items on the black market to buy apple mobile phone, etc. Treasury according to the sanctions committee to the Iranian people suspected of filtering information, vice director of office of the supreme leader is suspected of ordering intelligence repression of the people of Iran, for this is strictly prohibited American citizens with their business, and freeze them of all their assets in the United States.

In addition, the U.S. state department on the grounds that the alleged political repression, human rights abuses, of nearly 60 from the Iranian government, the military, the intelligence, judicial, prison and communications department official and personal visa restrictions, makes the Iran's human rights abuses by U.S. visa limit the total number of more than one hundred people. The same grounds, free flow of information in order to promote the Iranian people lift the ban on exports to Iran's Internet service, technology allows a general license company exports to Iran instant messaging, E-mail and Internet services such as web browsing. Observers say the United States have to cancel the Internet services and electronic products export bans, obviously want to iranians circumvent official review, with the help of mobile phone text messaging, social media, such as pressure on the government, at the same time continue to stifle the Iranian economy energy, finance and a series of sanctions, finally "both" force the Iranian government to give up developing nuclear weapons.

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